Tahitian Gardenia Digital Stock Photo
Tahitian gardenia digital stock photo taken in Maui, Hawaii in Kapalua. Use for your website or social media to market your business. Or use for whatever you want!
High resolution 300 PPI photo. Three digital files included: One 300 PPI 4928x3264 photo; one 300 PPI photo 1500x1000, one 300 PPI photo square cropped 1500x1000
***This is a digital item only. You will not receive any physical items.
Tahitian gardenia digital stock photo taken in Maui, Hawaii in Kapalua. Use for your website or social media to market your business. Or use for whatever you want!
High resolution 300 PPI photo. Three digital files included: One 300 PPI 4928x3264 photo; one 300 PPI photo 1500x1000, one 300 PPI photo square cropped 1500x1000
***This is a digital item only. You will not receive any physical items.
Tahitian gardenia digital stock photo taken in Maui, Hawaii in Kapalua. Use for your website or social media to market your business. Or use for whatever you want!
High resolution 300 PPI photo. Three digital files included: One 300 PPI 4928x3264 photo; one 300 PPI photo 1500x1000, one 300 PPI photo square cropped 1500x1000
***This is a digital item only. You will not receive any physical items.
Please email me with any questions: janabpics@gmail.com
Rules of use: Please do not re-sell this photo or claim it as your own.
All images © J A N A B P H O T O